Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Real Deal (reposted from my multiply blog)

"When i was little, i fell from a tree but before i did, i managed to hold on to a branch. I was up there for a long time waiting... The silence, the pain in my arms, the heat, my heartbeat pumping... Then finally I fell. I could not recall exactly what happened after i hit the ground... All i could remember was the agony of holding on... and the wonderful feeling of letting go..."

I have deleted a five year contact person in my phone.... (no more waiting for a text message that never comes)

I have deleted a five year love from my friendster friends... (no more stalking)

I have cleaned my phone of the messages that made me question what I had with somebody special for so long... (I have forgiven but can never forget)

I have also removed a best friend, 1-bucketmate, Jumog-then-Marimar TVmate, out of town companion, fashion consultant client, shock absorber, bodyguard, shrink, videoke partner, driver, text quotes generator, shopping-mate and long time crush from my mobile phone and my future..

I have erased photos that showed happy memories then..

I have put all that I felt for the past two years in a box, sealed it and shoved it under my bed....


Seriously, no hard feelings for anyone... this is just how i move on.. AND IT FEELS SO GOOD...
April 4, 2008

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